Monday, February 6, 2017

Ecosystem Diorama Projects

What:  Diorama depicting one of Earth's ecosystems - (Desert, Grassland, Tundra, Forest, Tropical Rain Forest, Coral Reef, ocean).

When:  Due 2/21 - You may turn this project in early if you desire.

How:  Choose an ecosystem and research the plants, animals, and nonliving things in the environment.

The diorama MUST include 3 or more plants, 4 or more animals, and a correct display of a food chain containing a producer, consumer, and decomposer from the ecosystem.

Build a scene on the inside of a shoebox showing the ecosystem you've researched.  

Label each plant/animal properly.  Include its name and whether or not it is a producer, consumer, or decomposer.  (i.e., if there is a lion in in your diorama you will label it - "Lion - Consumer" -

Use supplies such as paints, construction paper, glue, crayons or markers, tape, scissors, pictures from magazines, or small replicas of items that will fit in the shoebox.  Be neat, and creative!  The internet has a lot of information on building a diorama.

Write a two paragraph description about your ecosystem.  This must include information about the food chain that you display.  Write this description on a separate piece of paper to be turned in with your project.   Create a cover sheet - with your name - and title of your Ecosystem.  

A rubric for this project is included on the hand outs.  Please use the rubric and evaluate your own work before turning it in.  

Classroom Science Book reference - Chapter 5 - Ecosystems - page 121 - check it out.   Will also be referencing and reviewing in class.

Please review your projects with parents/guardians - and post your idea/project plan by Friday, Feb. 10th - 

Thank you, Ms. Lane 


  1. I plan on making the Marine Ecosystem. I will print out some pictures of the ocean floor and the ocean and glue or tape them to the box. I also plan on getting small marine animal figurines and gluing them in. -Rees

    1. The marine ecosystem is part of the Ocean ecosystem and here is my Ted Ed ​

    2. Hello Rees - nice work - and how will you create your ecosystem? What will you use? Please post, Ms. Lane

  2. Hi it is Livie. I plan to do the ocean ecosystem. I will get some sand and blue glitter paper and glue it on the box. I will get ocean animals and make hot glue ocean plants.

    1. My title is Colorful coral reefs.

    2. Hi Livie - you were talking about maybe using a small aquarium? I like your title Colorful Coral Reefs, and/or Colorful Coral, Rocks! Fun. Ms. Lane

  3. I am making the Arctic Ecosystem. I will use clay for glaciers. And I will use white and blue paper for the ground and water.

    1. Hi Mikey, Clay for glaciers - nice - lots of options for the water too.... Ms. Lane - what is your Title? What else are you thinking around the animals?

  4. I am planning on doing the ocean. I am going to use real sea shells, fake fish, pipe cleaners, blue paint, sand, and a shoe box.

    1. Hi Shaylee,
      Nice - please let us know your title - thank you, Ms. Lane

  5. I'm am doing a Ocean Ecosystem. I might buy some fish and sea things. I might also print out some starfish and whales. I might get some rocks out of my backyard. -Kittens

    1. Hi Kittens, an Ocean Ecosystem - nice. What is the title? Backyard is full of supplies, sounds good. What else can you use? Ms. Lane -

  6. I am making the Tropical Rain Forest. I am going to go to a craft store and getting figurines and other supplies for it. I will name it "toucan's favorite tropical forest". - Delani

    1. Nice Lani - Two Can play in the Tropical Forest - yes. Fun... what about other animals and more supplies? Ms. Lane

  7. I plan on making a Grassland Ecosystem. I will glue frizzles frazzle to the bottom of the tub for the grass and I will take dental floss and tape it to the top of the tub to make birds. I also plan to get grassland figures and glue them to the tub to have the in the grass. I will also glue a small branch and rip up some plastic bags and glue them to the branch to make a tree and it will be in the night time setting.

    I also finished my ted ed at

    Peace out-Jilly

    1. Peace be with you Jilly! I love this video, clever. Looks like you really thought this out, nice. What is the title my dear? Ms. Lane

  8. I am doing the article forest ecosystem. I am going to make snow and other things to make it look like it's in the winter I won't have many different kind of Arctic animals in there and some hibernating animals too. I'm going to make it very creative and very exotic to you will be very interesting I'm going to the store with my parents on Friday to buy everything I need for my diorama. -Beauty

    1. This looks great Beauty! Hibernating animals, great thought. What do you think you will make snow out of? Sounds exotic, yes. Think about your title too. Nice plan of action here, Ms. Lane

  9. Hay it's kk and I'm doing the forest ecosystem.I have yet to finish my plan but. I am having a I'm having the life cycle of well technically I'm having the food chain featured in the forest. I have a bunch of fact that I am going to put on a piece of paper. I have almost all the things I need I just need to get the deer statue that I need. And you will be surprised at my diorama.

    1. Hi KK - ok, finish your plan and post - think about your title, and I like how you are thinking about the food chain. What is your title? Forest Fever? Ms. Lane

  10. Hi this is Daniela . My title is A Wet Life. My ecosystem is the rainforest. My animals are Toucan ,spider monkey , eagle and the jaguar. I will hang the monkey on a tree and hang the bird from the ceiling using string. Then I will put the toucan on the tree. Also I will put moss outside the box.

    1. Hey Surfer Girl, of course you are doing a Wet Life. Love it! I knew that there would be some monkeys in there too - ... how will you make the Toucan? Looks like you are moving in a good direction - Ms. Lane

  11. I am doing the Tundra. I plan to go to the craft store on Frida to get some supplies. Some of the supplies I will need is white foam , glitter glue ,dental floss, etc.

    1. Hi Sheba Beba, OK, store on Friday is good - Tundra is a nice challenge. What is the Title - Tundra Wondera? Glitter glue is fun, think about your animals too... Nice work, Ms. Lane

    2. Here is my ted ed

  12. I am making the forest ecosystem. I am going to make mountains using cups and brown clay. I am going to make a river going through the mountain using cardboard and blue paper. There is going to be a waterfall made out of stretched cotton balls that is going to lead into the river. Along with the river leading out to a lake. At the lake there is going to be a beaver making a dam. Along with a bear catching a fish of of a rock and a fox drinking from it. There is going to be a cave wear a bagger is going to come out of. A deer and a lion are going to be on the mountains along with a bald eagle hanging from the top of the shoe box. For the grass I am going to cut up a green sponge into little shavings and glue them to the mountains along with little red, orange, yellow, and pink peaces of felt over the grass to look like flowers. I am going to paint peaces of cardboard blue and white to make the sky. For trees i am going to take some chopsticks and color the orange and brown for red wood and cut dark green felt into little circles for the leaves and stick them on the chopsticks. Finally I am going to add rocks and other little animals and label everything along with maybe stringing lights to the inside and rim of the box.

    1. Wow Izzy - details, details! Nice, thought out project here. I am looking forward to seeing this - All kinds of creations - nice. What about your title - ? Forest Fairy Tails (spelled with a tail instead of tale) fun... Ms. Lane

  13. Hi Ms.Lane this is Atticus. I'm going to do a rain forest as my ecosystem for my diorama. I'am going to put trees in the background. Also, I'm also going to put fake leaves in the trees so the monkeys can sleep. For the grass I'm gong to cut a sponge and glue it on the bottom of the box. Also for the little lid on the shoe box I'm making it like people are at the movies, so that's my idea for my diorama.

    1. I like the theater idea - creative work Atti. You are certainly thinking about the monkeys also - helping them to sleep - well thought out - nice Atti. Ms. Lane

  14. Soory I forgot Ok so my title is "The Magic Of The Red Wood Forest".

    I also did my Ted Ed-

  15. I am doing the Grassland's. I plan on using string to hang my animals and move them around. I also plan on using a red panda which is a fox, squirrel's on the tree, and also a pack of wolf with 3 pups and 1 mom. The human will be holding the flag in his/her hands. - Steven H.

    1. A like the human holding the flag - interesting Steven. I like that you will use the animals as puppets - nice work.

  16. This is Delani D.

  17. Hi this is Cody and this is my teded

    - Kittens!




Keep up the Great ... Lakes Work - Ms.Lane