Saturday, November 5, 2016

Totem Poles ~ Spirit Animals/Totems - Native American Culture Reflections

Totem Poles are due Wednesday, November 30th.  This project can be done with or without a partner - each student is responsible for a report of three paragraphs.  The report and paragraphs include the Totem Pole created by student(s) supported by facts that have been researched.  For example, if the Totem Pole is headed by a Panther, then the Spirit Totem would be reported on as well as the culture around the created clan and celebration (Potlatch.)  Students have vocab words on their Spelling City that also supports this research and project.  Please refer to The Great Basin packets that we are reviewing and reading in class.   Totem poles can be created in any fashion - a representation of Spirit Totem, Clan and Potlatch to be included.  

This listing is for your calendars and agendas - please note your due dates - requirements around this project have been discussed in class.  So far, we have some very interesting poles in the works and I am excited to see you all explore this culture further.   For now, the only thing due by November 9th is your plan as gone over in the classroom.   Completed Poles and Reports are due, November 30th.

Each student is responsible to post their own listing.  Project Plans: If you will have a partner list that - and what each of you is doing, how you will make your totem - what is your animal, tribe, clan information going to represent and report be about - what materials will you use?

 Please share your plan both online by Wednesday, November 9th and with your parents.  Set yourself up for success with a reasonable, doable plan - whether with or without a partner.   Feel free to post any questions you may have around this and/or ask in class.   I loved your pumpkins and am looking forward to seeing your Totem Poles.  Be Creative, Have fun.

Thank you, Ms. Lane


  1. Shaylee and Kaisha

    So I am going to write the story about the totem and why me and kittens choose the animal and kittens is going to do the totem we are mainly going to try and hollow out the wood and then carve the wood and then we will paint the totem and post the writing piece. -shay shay

  2. Cj and I are doing an owl made out of wood with the owl on a bear which the animal is our spirit animal.

  3. Hi Mrs. Lane its Cj and Steven and I are doing an owl for our spirit animal for our totem pole.
    By: Cj

  4. Hi Mrs. Lane its Cj and Steven and we are doing an owl for our spirit animal and for our totem pole.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We will be making it out of cardboard and some of my old balls.

  6. Hi Ms.Lane this is Bryndal. Alivia and I will be doing a horse totem pole to show how the horses helped the Native Americans. I will do half of the story and Alivia will do the other half. We will do the totem pole together.

  7. Hi Ms.Lane. Me and Delani are doing a totem pole to represent marriage and baby naming. I Niffer will do apart in the story and so will Delani. We will work together on the totem pole.

  8. Hi this is Delani. Me and Jennifer will be making a totem pole with wolfs and beavers to represent marriage and the naming of a baby. We will make the totem pole and do the report together.

  9. Hello Mrs .Lane me and Jillan are working together and our spirit animal is wolf .

  10. Hi Ms. Lane. This is Rees and I plan to make mine with Holden and make it out of Paper Mache. Our potlatch is a Chief's death. I will write the story with Holden making the totem.

    1. Holden and I are nearly finished with the totem pole and almost done with the report. Our potlatch is a chief's birthday.

  11. hay its LUWE and I am doing the owl because it is awesome.

  12. Hi Ms.Lane Rees and I are going to make are spirit animal a cardinal.

  13. Hi Mrs.Lane this is Izzy,Ian and I will be making a totem pole with bear and deers to represent strength and the ability to be less anxious and more grounded.

  14. Hi Mrs.Lane this is Izzy,Ian and I will be making a totem pole with bear and deers to represent strength and the ability to be less anxious and more grounded.

  15. Hello its Mikey, me and Briann are going to make a Black Panther totem pole. The ceremony will be the hunting of the panther. We are making it out of wood. We are in the Panther totem and the panther clan.

  16. Hi this is Daniela my partner is Faith and our totem is raven then our clan is the sea lion . We will make the totem together and the report together .

  17. Hi its me Artie and Atticus were doing the eagle totem but the shark clan/totem/spirit animal.

  18. Hi this is Liz. Me and Israel are working together. Our spirit animal is a shark and our clan is the eagle.

  19. Hi me and Heba are working together and our spirt animal is a wolf.

  20. Hi this is Faith. Danelia and I are partners. I am doing half the story and half of the totem pole. Danelia has are animals we are doing.Thank you. Bye

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hello Ms.Lane its KK and Timothy are doing a bear clan totem. It is made of a Lego type of material. We both are working with together on this totem both of us will do the story. We will work together on the real totem. Also we hope you will like our finished project.

  23. Shaylee and Kaisha

    So I am going to write the story about the totem and why me and kittens choose the animal and kittens is going to do the totem we are mainly going to try and hollow out the wood and then carve the wood and then we will paint the totem and post the writing piece. - Kittens

    1. Shaylee and Kittens

      I are dong the Eagele which represents the symble of air ,meaning you have strong legs to walk on the Earth and often live near the water for food. We are going to make the totem out of construction paper or card bord with a round cylinder. Shaylee and I will write the paragraphs.

  24. Hi Miss Lane. This is Breezy. Me and Mikey are partners. We are making a panther, mad out of wood, and the panther will represent hunting.

  25. Hi Ms.lanes this atti me and atrie are doing a eagle toteme from a sharkclan its going to be wood

  26. Hi Ms. Lane this is Daniela Faith is my partner and we are doing the raven totem and the sea lion clan . We are going to use a sonotube which is a big round piece of strong cardboard for our base . Then we will make cardboard wings and stick them on . -Daniela :) ♥

  27. Hi Ms. Lane this is Alivia. I will be doing the dog totem and make my totem pole out of cardboard boxes.

  28. Faith and I finished our totem out of the sonotube and cardboard and we have 2 paragraphs on the story .
    -Daniela ♥ ☺

  29. Hay its Johnny/LUWE and so far I have my report, but I am still doing the totem.

  30. Hi Ms. Lane this is Alivia tonight I will finish the last details for my totem pole and start writing my story.

  31. Hi Ms. Lane this is Kittens and I'm now starting my totem, my dad get me the stuff for the totem.

  32. Hi this is Faith. Daniela and I are still partners . We are still doing the raven totem and the seal lion clan. We have painted the sonotube and made the wings and the face. All we need to finish is the story and decorate the totem then bring it in. Thank you. Bye

  33. Hi Mrs. lane me and Jilly are working together and I wet to her house we put the pole together the we spray painted it then we started the animals that will be on the totem pole.

  34. Hi Miss Lane, this is Briann. Mikey is my partner, we have boxes, and we're working on a raven and a panther.

  35. Hi Miss Lane, this is Briann. Mikey and me are partners. We have boxes, and are working on a raven and a panther.

  36. Hi Ms. Lane me and Niffer made the totem pole last weekend. We are making the paragraph on Wednesday. - Delani D.

  37. Hi this is niffer. Me and Lani will be making a totem pole with a wolf on it. We are using milk jugs and coffee cans. We painted the head brownish and painted the rest black, then we put pompoms, beads, and more cool decorations. Then we drilled holes in each one. Finally we put a wooden pole that is around 56 inches.

  38. Hi Ms.Lane its KK. My partner is Timothy and we are in the working stage of the totem. We are doing a bear clan. We are also doing a raven totem. We are getting help with this project. Timothy is doing the base for the report and I'm doing the final. We are working together on the totem. So I hope you are impressed.

  39. Hi this is Bryndal I have decided to work alone for this project and so far it is going good.

  40. Hi its me Arthur and atticus where doing the shark clan/totem. and I plan on finishing the totem by Monday or Tuesday, its mainly made of cardboard boxes.

  41. Ian and I are marking a totem pole with a rabbit wolf deer and bear we haven't gotin it started yet but we will work on it

  42. Hi its me Steven and Cj and I are still working together and so far so good.

  43. The Totem
    By: Shaylee s Kaisha H

    Today me and my friend Kaisha are going to take you into an adventure of totem facts. So the totem on the top is an eagle. The eagle stands for air. I really like the eagle. The eagle is also the state symbole of Arizona. Don't go yet there are more facts to be found.

    The eagle totem stands for air. Your legs are so you are able to walk on land right kinda like a eagle. You also live near water and food like the eagle. Is a great symbol because the eagle is a wise bird

    Now lets talk about the bear totem. The bear totem has several meanings. I'll just tell you the main ones. The bear totem carries strength, confidince, and leadership. Did you know that almost all bears are endangered.

    So did you also know that vikings acutally use bear skin to scare their enemies away. That is why bears are endangered. A bear totem or a bear itself is a warrior spirit. Awsome right.

    So me and my friend kittens choose these animals because they are both endangered. They also bring honor when ever they fight. I also love bears. I also like eagles to. So thats all we have for now so bye.

  44. Owl Spirit animal
    By: Johnny/LUWE
    The owl spirit is a spirit of knowledge, courage, and strength. There are myths and legends of the owl spirit. For an example the reason the owl can see in the dark is because of a god of storms making mayhem, and then a huge owl looking like creature came from the sky to make land and form mountains. After that the god gave all owl/bat creature an ability to see in the dark as a gift for forming land and mountains to fix its mistake.
    The Cherokee people had a thing for owl spirits. They made totems for them to please the owl spirit. You might wonder why they are harmless animals, but there is a good reason. A long time ago a man about 29 saw an owl and killed it, but that owl was special for it curst the man for his life. The next day he died the same way the owl did, and sometimes if you see an owl and do something bad, you will die a tragic death.
    Did you know the tribe I came from, I came from the Blackfoot tribe. The Blackfoot tribe has a special thing for owls. They think they watch over people, like the in the book harry potter. They think that once, many powerful gods had them. Special people had them to. I also think this because harry potter had one. Percy Jackson saw, and had one, and he was the son of a god.

  45. Totem Pole

    By: Delani D. and Jennifer D.

    Our totem pole was made to represent a chief of the Wolf Clan Tribe who recently died. The tribe had a potlatch to celebrate his life. The potlatch took almost a year to prepare for and had a canoe full of food, blankets and much more. The hosts had over 100 people in their long house that came from all over America.

    On the totem pole, there is a wolf head to represent the chief because he is from the Wolf Clan. The necklaces are for representing culture. The pom-poms are for representing all of the people in the clan. Finally, we added splatter paint to represent the space around the people. The splatter paint showcases the environment and the chief’s land.

    The Wolf Clan’s spirit animal is the wolf. Wolves represent intelligence, freedom, and instincts. The chief that passed away had a son that will take his father’s place as the new chief. He will also inherit all of his father’s possessions, like money and his long house.

  46. The story of the wolf totem pole
    Let’s imagine that you are invited to a potlatch to celebrate a birthday or a coming of age .You approach .A nice boathouse where the potlatch will be taking place. You see colorful decorations. You walk into the boat house and there is a hole fest waiting as you sit down you are welcomed by a kind gentleman. When the kind man was done greeting you start eating once you are done eating you leave.

    As you walk home you see this well painted totem its clan was wolf. There were five different animals Eagle, Bear, Shark, Whale, and Wolf .This pole was carved from cedar wood. The wolf symbolizes perseverance and guardianship.

    As you pass the other house you see more totem poles some family history.
    you see that they are all different and all of them have their family name craved in it. As well as their ancestors. Each pole has ONE legend craved in it. Or

  47. Totem Pole
    by: Elizabeth and Israel

    Our totem is a shark and our clan is a eagle.The potlatch is a coming of age.We chose a shark as our totem it was easy to research.When a shark is a your spirit it means that its time to shut down your fear.Sharks are your spirit animal when you're trying to survive.When a eagle is your spirit it means to keep your head high. Eagles are your spirit when you speak directly from your spirit.

  48. History Mystery About the Raven Totem

    By Rees G. and Holden T.

    Luckily our chief has survived another year without dieing hunting for food. Today is his potlatch for his birthday. A potlatch is a party or celebration of something that has happened to a Native American tribe. It takes years to plan and collect food and materials for the potlatch. When everyone got here our chief started insulting everyone. For the first time, ever there was a bit of shoving, maybe because our chief practiced insulting people.

    Most raven totems have a couple of faces with wings coming out of the side and they usually have multiple colors and look amazing. They are made with wood most of the time and painted. It takes years to master wood carving and sometimes the noses are three dimensional. They look amazing most of the time if you master it.

    As we pass out the meat and blankets we get ready to raise up the totem. As we raise up the totem we are glad our chief is still alive. We leave up the totem until it rots and when it does we might be doing this all over again. This is our totem pole, what one is your favorite?

  49. The Fierce Raven
    By: Daniela D. and Faith F.

    Our totem is the raven, for our potlatch we are celebrating a baby’s naming. Native American symbols are believed to be in the physical form of the totem. The raven is associated with the creation myth because it brought light to a new world. The meaning of the raven is that danger has passed and good luck will follow. The raven is believed to be the messenger of the spirit world.

    The raven as a totem animal belongs to mischievous and curious people. Some tribes looked at the raven as a trickster because of its ability to adapt to different situations. When the raven comes into your life it marks a moment to pause and give serious consideration to the messages coming your way. It is not surprising to discover that in many cultures the raven symbolism and meaning is connected with the dead and the underworld. People that are interested in learning the art of shape shifting would do well to seek out the raven for guidance.

    In the sunlight, the color of the raven isn’t black but appears to transform into various shades of blue. It can also mimic the sound of other birds. No matter if the raven is your spirit animal or not, all should listen to her messages. The raven is there to protect and guide.

  50.                        Totem pole         
    For many years Native Americans believed in their totem pole and spirit animals. This is called totemism. Every family has a connection with their animal spirit. Such as a eagle totem and a shark spirit animal. 
    There are many clans to choose from within a tribe. For an example an eagle clan. Every clan has a meaning it represents. The eagle means a guardian.
    There is usually a spirit animal with the totem. There are many options to choose from.  We chose the shark spirit animal. Everybody has their own power from their spirit animal. The shark spirit animal's power is to donate powers to other people.  The meaning of the shark is to also defend against bad.
    So that’s the  eagle totem and shark animal. They both go great because they both look out for their own. Also they are apart of many other tribes and are a part of a lot of other families.  
    By: Atticus and Artie 

  51. First Hunt
    By: KK and Timothy
    Our totem is made out of a story about the first hunt of the season. We did a raven totem and a bear clan. The people of the raven totem see magic in all things. The elements are air and earth the stones are amethyst and azurite. The raven people are very clairvoyant and the bear people are very observe and think deeply about life.

    Our clan is the amazing bear. Our story is about the first hunt of the hunting season. The arrow represents the indians. The indians kill deer and buffalo. They used it with corn to make lots of food.

    The Totem pole is made of cardboard like substance. It has glitter glue decorated wings. Everything is hand drawn and colored. It has a wooden dowel to hold it up. The totem used mostly tape and hot glue. We hope you will like it as much as we liked working on it.

  52. Totem Pole
    By: Delani Dermer and Jennifer Dymond
    Our totem pole was made to represent a chief of the wolf clan tribe who recently died. The tribe had a potlatch to celebrate his life. The potlatch took almost a year to prepare for and had a canoe full of food, blankets, and much more. The hosts had over 100 people in their long house that came from all over America.

    On the totem pole, there is a a wolf head to represent the chief because he is from the wolf clan. The necklaces represent culture. The pom-poms are for representing all of the people in the clan. Finally, we added splatter pain to represent the space around the people. The splatter paint showcases the environment and the chief's land.

    The wolf clan's spirit animal is the wolf. Wolves represent intelligence, freedom, and instincts. The chief that passed away had a son that will take his fathers place as the new chief. He will also inherit all of his fathers possessions, like money and his long house.

  53. The Totem
    By: Shaylee s Kaisha H

    Today me and my friend Kaisha are going to take you into an adventure of totem facts. So the totem on the top is an eagle. The eagle stands for air. I really like the eagle. The eagle is also the state symbole of Arizona. Don't go yet there are more facts to be found.

    The eagle totem stands for air. Your legs are so you are able to walk on land right kinda like a eagle. You also live near water and food like the eagle. Is a great symbol because the eagle is a wise bird

    Now lets talk about the bear totem. The bear totem has several meanings. I'll just tell you the main ones. The bear totem carries strength, confidince, and leadership. Did you know that almost all bears are endangered.

    So did you also know that vikings acutally use bear skin to scare their enemies away. That is why bears are endangered. A bear totem or a bear itself is a warrior spirit. Awsome right.

    So me and my friend kittens choose these animals because they are both endangered. They also bring honor when ever they fight. I also love bears. I also like eagles to. So thats all we have for now so bye.

  54. Totem Pole
    By,Isabelle and Ian

    We made our totem pole to represent a bear and a wolf.We made it out of a bunch of pictures that we colored and pasted on a wooden pole that we spray painted red,silver,and orange.

    The wolf represents a perceived threat or lack of trust in feeling and actions.This animal also reflects sharp intelligence in dealing with important matters.

    The bear is a strong source of support in times of difficulty.It provides courage and a stable foundation to face challenges.

  55. Totem Pole
    By:Arthur and Atticus

    For many years Native Americans believed in their totem pole and spirit animals. this is called totemism. Every family has a connection with their animal spirit. Such as a eagle totem and a shark spirit animal.

    There are many clans to choose from within a tribe. For example an eagle clan. Every clan has a meaning it represent. The eagle means guardian.

    There is usually a spirit animal with the totem. There are many options to choose from. We chose the shark spirit animal. Everybody has their own power from their spirit animal.

    The shark spirit animal's power is to donate to other people. The meaning of the shark is to also to defend against bad. So that's the eagle totem and shark animal. They both go great because they both look out for their own. Also they are apart of many other tribes and are a part of a lot of other families.

  56. Dog Tribe
    By: Alivia B
    The potlatch to celebrate the birth of Toots took over a year to prepare. Toots belongs to the dog tribe and the frog clan. Toots is fearless, graceful, joyful, good luck, and a dreamer. He will be the guardian of the Bringhurst household. He will be the leader of the hunt and good luck for the family.

    The dog totem meaning is nobility, faithfulness, teaching, joyfulness, and companionship. Dogs in the totem world help people to have joy when they are sad and to be a friend to everyone. Dogs also help here on Earth because they protect the kids when their parents are at work.

    The dog also belong to the frog clan. The frog lives in water and brings the rain. The frog helps people to refresh and calm down. The frog represents the element of water.

  57. The Fierce Raven
    By: Daniela D . and Faith F.

    Our totem is the raven ,for our potlach we are celebrating a baby’s naming. Native American symbols are believed to be in the physical form of the totem. The raven is associated with the creation myth because it brought light to the new world. The meaning of the raven is that danger has passed and good luck will follow. The raven is believed to be the messenger of the spirit world.

    The raven as a totem animal belongs to mischievous and curious people. Some tribes looked at the raven as a trickster because of it’s ability to adapt to different situations .When the raven comes into your life it marks a moment to pause and give serious consideration to the messages coming your way. It is not surprising to discover that in many cultures the raven symbolism and meaning is connected with the dead and the underworld. People that are interested in learning the art of shape shifting would do well to seek out the raven for guidance.

    In the sunlight , the color of the raven isn’t black but appears to transform into various shades of blue. It can also mimic the sound of other birds. No matter if the raven is your spirit animal or not, all should listen to her messages. The raven is there to protect and guide.

  58. History Mystery About the Raven Totem

    By Rees G. and Holden T.

    Luckily our chief has survived another year without dieing hunting for food. Today is his potlatch for his birthday. A potlatch is a party or celebration of something that has happened to a Native American tribe. It takes years to plan and collect food and materials for the potlatch. When everyone got here our chief started insulting everyone. For the first time, ever there was a bit of shoving, maybe because our chief practiced insulting people.

    Most raven totems have a couple of faces with wings coming out of the side and they usually have multiple colors and look amazing. They are made with wood most of the time and painted. It takes years to master wood carving and sometimes the noses are three dimensional. They look amazing most of the time if you master it.

    As we pass out the meat and blankets we get ready to raise up the totem. As we raise up the totem we are glad our chief is still alive. We leave up the totem until it rots and when it does we might be doing this all over again. This is our totem pole, what one is your favorite?

  59. “Welcome to the hunt”

    By: Mikey E. and Briann G.

    “Today we gather together for a potlatch to celebrate the hunt. But not just any hunt, it is the hunt of the panther!” We are part of the Panther Clan. Our clan thanks Pinga, the goddess of the hunt.

    The panther symbolizes power, aggressiveness, astral travel, and other things. The raven is on our totem pole. The raven means you are playful, creative, and you have no fear of the dark, which helps with hunting. If the raven comes souring through your dreams looping and spinning playfully, hold on, magic is in the air. The spears and hatchets represent what we use to kill the panther.

    “Shh! I see him! Be ready… GO!” We throw our spears and hatches; they spin through the air, but miss. “Now for a more accurate shot.” Whoosh the spears goes flying through the air. “We hit it! Come and enjoy the food.”

  60. The Potlatch
    By: Bryndal

    My totem pole represents how horses were prized possessions of the Native American
    Indians. Native Americans had a potlatch that many people came to. The potlatch was to represent how the horses were important to the Native Americans. I made a horse to represent how horses helped the Native Americans.

    Their wealth and status was measured by the number of horses they had. Great honors were given to those who could capture horses from the enemy. They did not have horses until the Spanish came. Horses greatly changed the way the Native Americans lived.

    They were able to travel more and use them for competition, hunting, and warfare. In the Native American culture horses represent pride, nobility, freedom, grace and spirit. That is why horses were very important to Native Americans.

  61. The Story Of The Totem Pole by:Jillian,Heba

    Lets image that you are invited to a potlatch to celebrate a birthday or coming of age. You approach a nice boathouse where the potlatch will be taking place.You see a colorful decorations. You walk into the boathouse and there is a hole fest waiting as you sit down you are welcome by a kind gentleman. When the kind man was done greeting you start eating once you are done eating you leave.

    As you walk home you see this well painted totem it's clan was wolf. There were five different animals Eagle, Bear, Shark, Whale, and Wolf. This pols was carved from cedar wood. The wolf symbolizes perseverance and guardianship.

    As you pass the other house you see more totem poles you see that they are a different and all of them have there family name carved in it. As well as there ancestors. Each pole has ONE legend carved in it.!Or some family history.

  62. Our Totem Pole
    By Steven H and CJ

    Our totem pole is representing the naming of the
    chiefs son that was recently born. Our totem pole is representing the owl clan. People came to this potlatch by canoe. we made an owl showing that they beat the shark clan in battle.

    In most Native American tribes, owls were a symbol of death. Hearing owls hooting is considered an unlucky omen and they are a subject of numerous 'bogeyman' stories told to tell children to stay inside and not cry too much other wise the owl may carry them away. In some tribes owls are associated with ghosts and the bony circles around an owls eyes are said to be made up of the fingernails of ghosts. In the Aztec and Mayan religions of Mexico owls served as the messengers of the gods of death.

    Owls represent magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge. Owls are the ways they message other clans. The owl is also a symbol of life and death. For more information go to www.native

    Hi Ms.Lane I couldn't find anywhere else to post my TedEd.


Keep up the Great ... Lakes Work - Ms.Lane