Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Social Studies ~ Above the Influence ~ Pumpkin Reflections

ABOVE THE INFLUENCE ~ Upon Reflection and in preparation for our culture projects -
Please respond as discussed in class - DUE - WEDNESDAY,  November 2, 2016 -

Follow up comments - for peer entries are due - Friday, November 4th - (pick 2 people) and right down two things about how they did it that you liked, and one constructive item to include solution) -
using our class etiquette - thank you!  Ms. Lane

What do I know?
What did I want to know?
How did I learn this?

My Pumpkin Reflection; this can be in Q&A format and/or Paragraph format - as long as it all makes sense and reads clearly -

What did I learn with this project?
What was the most fun?
What was the most difficult?

Review other listings and make comments on two other pumpkin campaigns - Two positive comments and one constructive - thank you, Ms. Lane

Let's us know how you stay ABOVE THE INFLUENCE ....


  1. What did I know? I know that drugs are dangerous.
    What did I want to know? I what to know how drugs are dangerous.
    What did I learn with this project? I learned how to be creative.
    What was the most fun? Doing the pumpkin itself because I did one of my favorite game characters.
    What was the most difficult? Doing the eye sockets.
    How did I learn this? I learn this from watching tbs on tv.

    1. Nice work Elizabeth- the eye sockets were clever -
      Please share your theme - thank you. Ms. Lane

    2. I really like how you told us why you liked doing the pumpkin project. I also liked the character you picked and you told why you picked the character. You forgot to write what your theme was.

  2. Q and A

    Q. What do I know?

    A. Drugs are bad for you.
    Q. What did I want? A. How to make a good
    Q. How did I learn this?
    A. By looking at other pumpkins.
    Q. what did I learn?
    A. No one should do drugs.
    Q. What was the most fun?
    A. Decorating the pumpkin.
    Q. What was difficult?
    A. Deciding what the theme was.
    Q. What was easy?
    A. Drawing my design on my pumpkin.
    Q. Share my message
    A. Hugs not Drugs
    Q. How will I stay above the influence?
    A. I will stay above the influence by. Not doing drugs. Also not taking drugs that are bad for me.

    1. Hugs not Drugs is a great message KK -
      Feeling loved is important - Nice work, Ms. Lane

  3. 1. I know that drugs are bad for you.
    2. I wanted to know what happens when you take drugs.
    3. I did research on it.
    4. I learned that instead of doing drugs we should use are natural high.
    5. The most fun was spray painting the horse onto my pumpkin.
    6. The most difficult was coming up with idea.
    7. Pony up try new things and be yourself.
    8. I plan to stay above the influence by using my natural high.

    1. Hi Beauty, Yes - Pony Up - Love that! Natural Highs are best, Nice work - Ms. Lane

    2. Nice work beauty I love you motto I agree with number 4 you should stick to your natural. You could of put Q.A from this assignment.

    3. I like how you said that you were going to use your natural high. I also liked you talked about spray painting the horse. Next time you could space out your steps so they are easier to read. - Delani

    4. Hi Beauty I love your quote and I loved the idea of spray painting the pumpkin that is just awesome but i would put a title next time

    5. Hi Beauty,
      I agree with you on number one.I love your quote saying, ' Pony up try new things and be your self."

    6. But maybe you can you can put the question.

  4. 1.
    Q.what do I know?
    A. I know drugs can kill you.

    Q.what did I want to know?
    A.I wanted to know how drugs kill you.

    Q.How did I learn this?
    A. I went on google.

    Q.what did I learn?
    A.Drugs ruin lives.

    Q.what was the most fun?
    A.making the pumpkin.

    Q.what was difficult?
    A.Coming up with the idea.

    Q.what was easy?
    A.painting it.

    Q.share my message
    A.mummy says no to drugs, and Pinocchio nose when you take drugs.

    Q.How will I stay above the influence?
    A.I will never ever do drugs.

    1. Hi Niffer -
      Loved the mummy and the clever way you used the stem as a nose for a Pinocchio - great message, Ms. Lane

  5. Pumpkin Project

    Q = What do I know?
    A = Drugs are not healthy.

    Q = What do I want to Know
    A = How long can you take drugs before you die?

    Q = How will I learn this?
    A = I will get information from my parents and the internet.

    My Reflection

    Q = What did I learn?
    A = I can make a pumpkin shine without carving it.

    Q = What was most fun?
    A = Doing it all by myself.

    Q = What was difficult?
    A = Painting designs on my pumpkin.

    Q = What was easy?
    A = Picking out my pumpkin.

    My Message = No one have ever become a better person being on drugs!!!

    1. Hi Faith, I believe you are right - no one ever becomes a better person on drugs. I like that you can make a pumpkin shine! Nice work, Ms. Lane

    2. Hi Faith I think you are right that picking out the pumpkin was easy. I think you might of forgot your byline. -Rees

  6. 1.I know that drugs can kill you and that they are illegal to use.

    2.I want to learn more about drugs so i can warn my friends and family members abot how bad drugs are.

    3.I learned this from books, family, and internet.

    4.I learned a lot more hings with this entire pumpkin project.

    5.The most fun about this project was making the little drug bottles for the don't do drugs.

    6.The most difficult thing about this project was making the eyes and chopping off the skeletons head.

    7.Don't change who you are. Just be you.

    8. I'm planning on staying above my influence with my natural high.

    1. Hi Shaylee - I liked the idea of staying above the influence with a natural high. You hit the mark on that one! Bullseye - Ms. Lane

  7. 1. What do I know?
    Drugs are not good for the heart,kidneys,lungs and liver.
    2.What do I want to know?
    I want to know, can some bad drugs save lives.
    3.How did I learn this?
    I saw a video about people talking about drugs>
    4.What did I learn with this project?
    I learn that people that do drugs won't really make it.
    5.What was the most fun?
    Finding the quote.
    6.What do I find most difficult?
    Getting the grave to stay up.
    7. "You were given this live because you are strong enough to live it."
    8.How do I stay above the influence?
    I exercise,drink,eat healthy.

    1. Exercise and eating healthy are important - yes! Nice work Kittens. Stay strong - good girl! Ms. Lane

    2. Hi Kittens I like how you were specific when you said that drugs are bad for the heart ,kidneys ,lungs and liver. I also like your format it makes it easy to read .But I think you forgot your title.
      -Daniela :)

    3. Hi this is Alivia. I love your message so much and how plan to be healthy and exercise. Next time I think you could maybe put a space in between your questions and answers.

    4. Hay kittens I think you really should put your project as a q and a format. I really likedon't how you answered you questions so original. I liked the pumpkin you did I mostly liked the skull.

  8. Pumpkin Plan By: Alivia B
    1.What did I learn.
    Drugs mess you up.
    2.What was most fun.
    Decorating my pumpkin with my mom.
    3.What was difficult?
    Gluing on the eyes.
    4.What was easy?
    Putting the crown on.
    5.Share my message.
    It Rocks not to do Drugs!
    6.What do I know ?
    Drugs mess up your life.
    7.What do I want to know ?
    Why are kids affected by drugs?
    8.How did I learn this?
    The red ribbon week.
    9.How will I stay above the influence?
    I will stick with friends and family in hard times and in good times.

    1. Nice work Alivia - Yes, your pumpkin rocked for sure! Glad you had fun putting it together with your Mom - You both Rock! Ms. Lane

    2. I like how you included your mom.I like your way of staying above the influence.Maybe you could put more detail in number 6 like how are drug mess up your life.- Liz

  9. Rees

    What do I know?
    I know that I have to create a pumpkin.

    What did I want to know?
    I wanted to know how I was going to make it.

    How did I learn this?
    I learned it by Ms.Lane and

    What did I learn with this project?
    That drugs could kill you.

    What was the most fun?
    The most fun was painting the pumpkin.

    What was the most difficult?
    The most difficult was typing this up.

    My message is "If you do drugs I will dunk on you."

    How will I stay above the influence
    I will say no and push for my dreams.

    1. Pushing for your dreams! Yes, nice work Rees - you will do very well. I like your theme - original -
      Keep pushing for your dreams - Ms. Lane

  10. By Holden T.

    In the pumpkin project I learned that doing drugs is bad because it will cause problems in the future. It can cause problems like cancer putting you on full life support or can cause death. I learned more about drugs by doing research for my project.

    The thing that was most fun was when my grandma helped me. My grandma helped me make Bob the pumpkin’s cigarette. What was also fun was when my grandma helped me give Bob the pumpkin eye bags.

    One of the most difficult thing’s was choosing the right pumpkin. The most difficult thing was making the cigarette and its filter because I had to mix together a lot of colors to get the right color.

    The motto of my pumpkin was “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Drug Users Don’t Go Far”.
    My motto means if you do drugs you won’t go far in life.

    1. Loved this Holden! Your Grandmother is a special lady - wow - glad she worked on this with you - the pumpkin and theme are priceless - nice work, Ms. Lane

    2. Hi Holden I liked how you explained what your motto means. I also liked that you named it because it made the pumpkin come alive by personifying it. But I think you forgot your title .
      -Daniela :)

    3. Hi Holden I liked your pumpkin mostly your face on your pumpkin. But I think you could have add the pumpkin looking like it has nothing holding the sign. But it was a good message.

    4. Hi Holden I think your pumpkin was awesome. I also like how you explained your motto.-Rees

  11. Pumpkin Plan
    By:Delani D.

    1. Q. What do I know?
    A.I know that drugs are bad for you.

    2. Q. What did I want to know?
    A. I wanted to know how many types of drugs that there are.

    3. Q. How did I learn this?
    A. I looked it up on google.

    4. Q. What did I learn?
    A. I Learned how to stay above the influence.

    5. Q. What was the most fun?
    A. I liked painting the pumpkin.

    6. Q. What was difficult?
    A. Thinking of a good idea was hard.

    7. Q. What was easy?
    A. B ringing the pumpkin to school was easy.

    8. Q. share my message.
    A. Drugs will nock you out.

    9. Q. How will I stay above the influence.
    A. I will think of my accomplishments.

    1. Yes Delani - remember your accomplishments - you are an accomplished young lady! Glad you enjoyed the project - and Yep - Drugs will knock you out! Keep up the great work - Ms. Lane

  12. 1
    Q. What do I know
    A. I know drung are bad

    Q. What did I want to know
    A. I want to know why drugs are bad

    Q. How did I learn this
    A. I went on Google

    Q. What did I learn
    A. Drugs are life ruin lives

    Q. What was the most fun
    A. Making the pumpkin was the best

    Q. What was difficult
    A. Keeping the wig on the pumpkin

    Q. What was easy
    A. Decorating the pumpkin

    Q. Share my message
    A. Don't be anyone but you. Never follow the influence of anyone but your self

    Q. How will I stay above the influence
    A. I erase drugs from my memory

    1. Yes Cody - always be true to yourself - I like it! Yes, a pumpkin sporting a wig can be tricky and you pulled it off - glad you enjoyed the project - keep up the good work, Ms. Lane

    2. Hi this Alivia. I like how you put Q and A at the beginning of your answers and I love your message. Next I think you could put periods at the end of your answers.

    3. I like how you did Q and A for your questions.Maybe next time your answers could be more detailed.-Bryndal

    4. Hey CJ,
      I like how you put ' Keeping the wig on.'. Good job on erasing drugs from your memory. Maybe you can put a period after the 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on.- Kittens

  13. 1.
    Q:What do I know?
    A:I know drugs are very bad for you.
    Q:What did I want to know?
    A:I wanted to know to know how drugs will harm you.
    Q:How will I learn this?
    A:I will search it
    Q:What did I learn?
    A:I learned that drugs are very bad for you.
    Q:What was the most fun?
    A:Putting on the fake blood.
    Q:What was the most difficult?
    A:Carrying the pumpkin to school.
    Q:What was easy?
    A:Putting on the crochroches.

    1. Hi Jilly, Glad you have fun with it! Putting on fake blood can be tricky - and you did a great job. Loved the bugs on it - and yes, drugs can drag you down, down.
      Nice work, Ms. Lane

    2. Nice job Jilly you did great I like how you wanted to know how will drugs will harm you .I also like you motto. Drugs drag you down down . You for got to explain how you are going to stay above the influence.

  14. Pumpkin Life
    By: Daniela D.

    Q. What do I know?
    A. I know drugs are bad for you.
    Q.What did I want to know?
    A. I wanted know why do people want to take drugs .
    Q. How did I learn this ?
    A. I learned this by thinking hard but then I thought the answer is right in front of me so I made it simple.
    Q.What did I learn ?
    A.I learned that I could decorate a pumpkin in a day.
    Q.What was the most fun?
    A. The most fun part was making my pumpkin's hair out of feathers .
    Q. What was the most difficult ?
    A. The most difficult part was making my pumpkin's mouth.
    Q. What was easy ?
    A. Making it's eyes was the easiest part.
    Q. Share your message.
    A. My motto is "Say No to Drugs".
    Q. How will I stay above the influence ?
    A. I will stay above the influence by surfing.

    1. Yes Daniela - The answer was right in front of you! I love that you recalled that. Keep it simple - right? Say No to Drugs is always a good idea - and I believe you little surfer girl will catch a lot of waves in life! Keep up the great work, Ms. Lane

  15. Israel T.

    Q: What do I know?
    A: I know if you take drugs you can't stop taking them.
    Q: What did I want to know?
    A: I wanted to know what are the side effects of taking drugs.
    Q: How did I learn this?
    A: By researching on google
    Q: What did I learn?
    A: I learned that taking drugs lead to skin peeling off.
    Q: What was most fun.
    A: Painting it.
    Q: What was difficult?
    A: Super gluing it.
    Q: What was easy?
    A: Putting the hat on.
    Q: Share my statement
    A: Bad people say if you do drugs you'll be cool, don't listen to them if want to be cool DON'T DO DRUGS.
    Q: How will I stay above the influence?
    A: I will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do drugs.

    1. Good for you Israel on your research - and glad to see that you are committed to not do drugs - good choice! Yes, don't listen to others - but true to yourself. Nice work - Ms. Lane

  16. 1.
    Q:What do I know?
    A:I know that drugs can give bad diseases and you can die from drugs .
    Q:What did I want to know?
    A:I wanted to know the causes of marijuana
    Q:How will I learn that?
    A:I will use the computer and search it on google or any other websites .
    Q:What did I learn?
    A:I learned that marijuana can affect your brain cells.
    Q:what was most fun ?
    A:making the silly hair
    Q:What was most difficult?
    A:The most difficult thing about this project was hot glueing to the pumpkin
    Q:What was most easy.
    A:Writing the quote.
    Q:Share my message
    A:If you can party hard and stay above the influence then with all means continue.
    Q:How will I stay above the influence?
    A:I will do what makes me happy

    1. Great job Heba I like your moto"If you can party hard and stay above the influence then with all means continue."
      I also like how you wanted to known the causes of marijuana.

      When you start a sentence don't forget to start with a capital letter and end with punctuation.

      Very inspirational-Jilly

  17. What do I know? What I know about drugs is that
    drugs will kill you.

    What did I want to know? What I want to know is how do drugs affect your body.

    How did I learn this? I learned this from the above the influence

    What did I learn with this project? I learned if you drink alcohol your kidneys bad and you need surgery

    What was the most fun? that I got to paint my pumpkin

    What was the most difficult? the most difficult was to paint the skull

    1. I like your answers there very detailed. Maybe next time you could put Q and A at the beginning of your questions.-Bryndal

  18. By: Breezy

    What I know about drugs is that they are bad and sometimes they can make people go wacko.

    I want to learn why people like drugs.

    I will learn this by asking someone.

    The most fun part was picking out the pumpkin.

    The most difficult part was writing the message on the pumpkin.

    The easiest part was picking out the pumpkin.

    On my pumpkin I put “Jesus gets you higher”. I wrote this on my pumpkin because I love Jesus not drugs. Jesus gets you to Heaven. Drugs get you into bad situations.

    I’m going to stay away from drugs. I’m also going to trust in Jesus because He is my number one priority.

    1. Awesome Breezy
      I like your moto "Jesus gets you higher."
      Next time I think you should put the question next to or before the answer so everybody knows what you are talking about.
      Great- Jillian K.

    2. Hi Breezy -nice work! You have a strong message, I like that - Ms. Lane

  19. Hi Holden I really like your quote I think it is very creative all though you got it of the internet. I also loved your cigarette that you put on the pumpkin. But I would put a title next time-shaylee

  20. Hello it's Mikey I liked how you put"Drugs make you wacko." I also liked how you put Jesus is your number one priority. So true so true!

  21. By: Steven H.

    If you smoke you will have a stroke.
    Q: what do I know.
    A: I know that drugs are bad for you.

    Q: what do I want to know.
    A: I want to know how drugs are bad.

    Q: How will I learn that
    A: Go on different websites

    Q: What did I learn
    A: drugs damage your lungs

    Q: what was most fun
    A: making the pumpkin

    Q: what was most difficult
    A: not over doing my pumpkin

    Q:what was most easy
    A: Making the qoute

  22. my favored part of making the pumpkin was the cell

    I wonted to learn how drugs make you dum

    I learned how drugs makes life hard

    the easy part was the pumpkin itself

    the hardest part was... now that I think about it it was really easy.


Keep up the Great ... Lakes Work - Ms.Lane