Saturday, November 5, 2016

Totem Poles ~ Spirit Animals/Totems - Native American Culture Reflections

Totem Poles are due Wednesday, November 30th.  This project can be done with or without a partner - each student is responsible for a report of three paragraphs.  The report and paragraphs include the Totem Pole created by student(s) supported by facts that have been researched.  For example, if the Totem Pole is headed by a Panther, then the Spirit Totem would be reported on as well as the culture around the created clan and celebration (Potlatch.)  Students have vocab words on their Spelling City that also supports this research and project.  Please refer to The Great Basin packets that we are reviewing and reading in class.   Totem poles can be created in any fashion - a representation of Spirit Totem, Clan and Potlatch to be included.  

This listing is for your calendars and agendas - please note your due dates - requirements around this project have been discussed in class.  So far, we have some very interesting poles in the works and I am excited to see you all explore this culture further.   For now, the only thing due by November 9th is your plan as gone over in the classroom.   Completed Poles and Reports are due, November 30th.

Each student is responsible to post their own listing.  Project Plans: If you will have a partner list that - and what each of you is doing, how you will make your totem - what is your animal, tribe, clan information going to represent and report be about - what materials will you use?

 Please share your plan both online by Wednesday, November 9th and with your parents.  Set yourself up for success with a reasonable, doable plan - whether with or without a partner.   Feel free to post any questions you may have around this and/or ask in class.   I loved your pumpkins and am looking forward to seeing your Totem Poles.  Be Creative, Have fun.

Thank you, Ms. Lane

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Social Studies ~ Above the Influence ~ Pumpkin Reflections

ABOVE THE INFLUENCE ~ Upon Reflection and in preparation for our culture projects -
Please respond as discussed in class - DUE - WEDNESDAY,  November 2, 2016 -

Follow up comments - for peer entries are due - Friday, November 4th - (pick 2 people) and right down two things about how they did it that you liked, and one constructive item to include solution) -
using our class etiquette - thank you!  Ms. Lane

What do I know?
What did I want to know?
How did I learn this?

My Pumpkin Reflection; this can be in Q&A format and/or Paragraph format - as long as it all makes sense and reads clearly -

What did I learn with this project?
What was the most fun?
What was the most difficult?

Review other listings and make comments on two other pumpkin campaigns - Two positive comments and one constructive - thank you, Ms. Lane

Let's us know how you stay ABOVE THE INFLUENCE ....

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

World Lakes ~ On the Rocks

World Lakes ~ On the Rocks 

This first research and presentation project we will be doing is a study of World Lakes in conjunction with Mr. Moreno's Art Class - Students will prepare a report due right before Fall Break.  All details are listed, and/or will be as the project unfolds - all items have been reviewed in class - project is due next week.

This blog is live and can be referenced as needed.  Students will prepare a three dimensional art representation of their selected plant/flower have been created in Art Class with Mr. Moreno.

Objective: Define the term lake and understand how lakes differ from other bodies of water.  Understand the temperatures, culture, the area - what's happening around it - is the lake used?  For what?   Many topics to talk about and use towards your paper.  Let us know about the symbiotic relationship between your plant and lake.  The majority of research has been conducted in our classroom - to include Ted Ed presentations.

Keep a Research Folder  - Keep track of your research sites - for bibliography - need to be able to reference - 
I need to Pick a Lake ....   What is my Lake?
What plant is in the area?  Is it indigenous?   What the heck is indigenous?  well?  Go to the dictionary ... 
um, and/or go to - 

Why do you think lakes are important to people, especially the lakes they have learned about.  Why do people choose to live on and near lakes?  What kinds of resources do lakes provide for people?  

This is a five to seven paragraph report - it will be a cumulative report and your  flower creation must be included - so you must choose a lake that covers your creation.    This process has been completed in class on August 30th - students will have class time and out of class time to complete - time will need to be allocated accordingly. 

Gather, Research - Keep notes, Rough Draft due - October 10th, Your final report due; October 12th and to be posted by Thursday, October 14th.  A Ted Ed Lesson to be created and a Tri-Fold board that will hold any pictures or drawings and final report - this can be turned in as completed - but no later than Thursday, October 14th - 

* Ted Ed Lessons are due on Monday - October 10th - Ted Ed presentations will begin on that day - -
all parts - as demonstrated in class to include 5 multiple questions with PLAUSIBLE answers ... 

* Rough Draft for report is due October 10th - All information and research to be completed - 

Put together final report with tri-fold board - *Final Report and Tri-Fold are Due by Thursday, October 14th -

Reports - will have a title page;  Lake/Plant/Flower and Name - Pictures/Optional

Report as discussed - with final paragraph telling us why you chose your lake and flower - what drew you to them - did you like what you learned?  Was it as expected?  How did you like creating a Ted Ed Lesson. 

Final Page - Bibliography page - as referenced in class and on worksheet - Reports to be attached to your Tri-Fold - all pieces included.

Thank you, Ms. Lane