Thursday, February 16, 2017

Ted Ed's - I Spy an Ecosystem

Post your Ted Ed's Here 

Posted by; Friday, 2/17 - 

Please review Ted Ed's of your classmates and Choose 2 that you will vote for -
Please post who you are voting for and why?  One or two sentences around it - 

For example;

This is Ms. Lane, and I am voting for Jilly - her video is fun to watch and informational about the Grasslands Ecosystem.  

I am also voting for Beauty, or for Rees King because I found their questions to be most interesting - their Ecosystem is the Tundra .....   

All Ted Ed's to be posted here along with your votes - thank you - 

All due by Tuesday, Feb. 21st - 

Thank you, Ms. Lane

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ecosystem Diorama Projects

What:  Diorama depicting one of Earth's ecosystems - (Desert, Grassland, Tundra, Forest, Tropical Rain Forest, Coral Reef, ocean).

When:  Due 2/21 - You may turn this project in early if you desire.

How:  Choose an ecosystem and research the plants, animals, and nonliving things in the environment.

The diorama MUST include 3 or more plants, 4 or more animals, and a correct display of a food chain containing a producer, consumer, and decomposer from the ecosystem.

Build a scene on the inside of a shoebox showing the ecosystem you've researched.  

Label each plant/animal properly.  Include its name and whether or not it is a producer, consumer, or decomposer.  (i.e., if there is a lion in in your diorama you will label it - "Lion - Consumer" -

Use supplies such as paints, construction paper, glue, crayons or markers, tape, scissors, pictures from magazines, or small replicas of items that will fit in the shoebox.  Be neat, and creative!  The internet has a lot of information on building a diorama.

Write a two paragraph description about your ecosystem.  This must include information about the food chain that you display.  Write this description on a separate piece of paper to be turned in with your project.   Create a cover sheet - with your name - and title of your Ecosystem.  

A rubric for this project is included on the hand outs.  Please use the rubric and evaluate your own work before turning it in.  

Classroom Science Book reference - Chapter 5 - Ecosystems - page 121 - check it out.   Will also be referencing and reviewing in class.

Please review your projects with parents/guardians - and post your idea/project plan by Friday, Feb. 10th - 

Thank you, Ms. Lane